
Chris Cheatly (1990-2004)

Inside the tubed vessles
Rotting in my head
Chris Cheatly (1990-2004)

Chris Cheatly

All this time its been killing you all...
alive alive alive... your dead

The picture above is the only one I have of my good friend Chris, who passed away November, 9, 2004.
Although he was quite young, he was wise beyond his years (which his short storys, free-verse poems and pieces of art proved). He enjoyed drawing, photography, listening to music, guitar, reading and was a big Johnny the Homicidal Maniac fan. He was so very proud of his trench coat which hailed from Value Village.
Chris was a kind, gentle and loving person who had a unique style and an interesting perspective on life. He was definetly one of the most creative people I knew and will ever know.
In the past few days since his passing I can't help but feel extremely guilty for growing apart from him a little. I never got to tell him I cared one last time, I never got to give him a hug goodbye, in fact I belive the last words I ever spoke to him were "Hey Chris", I wish more than anything that they could have been something more worth while.
But you can't change the past, you can only work towards a scence of closure which I'm sure will not be met for a very long time.
Chris, we all loved and cared for you, you have no idea how much you were worth to everyone, and how much potential you possessed.

"One last deep sigh, scilence after a life of noise"- Chris Cheatly

Please take a moment to read Chris Cheatly's site

Everything is grey with no depth length or width
Growing weary of expansion and skull enlargement
One panda burnt by an irrational iron
The other growing mold spores
and we reak of seperation