
Inside the tubed vessles
Inside the tubed vessles
Rotting in my head
Chris Cheatly (1990-2004)

October, 15, 2005
This is about as much as I can say. Some things you never see coming, some you do. With the things you can predict you may choose to avoid them, let them wash over you because you just don't give a fuck, or take it like the little bitch you are because your scared shitless, paralized in your own skull, censorys blocked. You'll tell your legs to start moving, tell your god damned limbs to hurry the fuck up, but your own fear and self loathing has glued you to the floor.
your fucked.
Some people are so fucking pathetic. They have everything in the world that allows them to live comfortably, it appears they have everything, including a broken heart. I can't bring myself to pitty these delusioned fools, for I myself was once one of them. These over priviledged, underappreciative, emotionally spoiled children trapped in a teenagers body. What these people need is a good emotional shit kicking, not to be hugged or comforted.
When will we learn to stop feeling sorry for ourselves, when a girl tells you you have a small dick and that she never loved you, when a boy tells you that he only used you for the wealth you attain from your wealthy upper class in the closet alchoholic parents. When you get smacked around by someone you trust a little.
Smarten the fuck up damnit. Be a man. GROW SOME FUCKING BALLS!

August, 7, 2005
You can abandon many things, people, places, possesions, obsessions, but you cannot abandon the past. It tends to loom a good ten feet behind you waiting for any oppertune moment to beat you over the head with a 2 X 4 and boot fuck you while your passed out.

July, 17, 2005
Yet another uncomprehendable night. Another random occurance that is still waiting to get processed inside these tubbed vessles, though this time I feel there will be no settle of my racked nerves.
I'm tired of the drama... I dont know about all of you but I am.
I'm tired of caring too much. As much as I'd like to think I don't care I do and thats whats wrong with me.
People say they will quit and never will...
People will promise to be there forever and die...
People get torn away from you for the most rediculous reasons...
He will never quit and get his shit together, why I still care I dont know.
She will most likely never see me again and her parents will always loathe me with a passion...
But I still care.
And why?
Because Im fucking human. 

June, 27, 2005
Just because you felt it doesn't mean it was there. Just because it was there doesn't mean it really felt like anything. For many things can be present but pass over ones head without them realizing the slightest inkling of what is actually taking place.
Someone missed something or I felt something that wasn't quite apparent. None of this applies to the here and now, but it did apply at some point in time; there by declaring my utter stupidity when it comes to interaction with other beings.

So that brings us to todays lesson...

Dwelling on the past really doesn't do anything for you accept make you look like a fucking dolt...
This worsens when one cannot take hints from other individuals...
Hints are fucking retarted, suck it up and spit it the fuck out, grow some god damned testicals (unless gender happens to be a slight barrier)...

In other news... survey time!
How many of you actually take time out of your lives to read this horse shit?

June, 25, 2005
According to the answer is no. I am dead sexy! Lies I tell you LIES THEY ARE (heh heh ... heh?).
Bryan is coming over tomorrow and we are watching movies and things. I am excited.
I really don't have anything else to say at the moment other than GEE WHIZ THE SITE HAS A NEW LOOK! IT HAS COLOR! oooh fancy...

June, 24, 2005
Once again I sit here waiting for a wave of fatigue to hit me but it seems to be momentarily delayed for yet the third night in a row, leaving me with nothing to do accept sit here and contemplate the bizzare occurance last night (I'm not even going to get into it so don't ask).
All I know is that I think Fahren and Nick are in alot of shit (I was discussing my theory about them getting sued for trashing Defur's place, Jill agrees it is very likely. Fahren definetly doesn't deserve to get sued, Nick on the other hand is another story). So if either one of them read this just remember "There is nothing to fear but Defur itself".
Speaking of which Nick happens to be missing momentarily, Jill thinks he's in jail, I think he got hit by a car. Hopefully neither of these stories are true.
Being without a device for playing compact disks can only be compared to Armagedon.
Send help and batteries. 

June, 21, 2005

Another familiar sight, insomniac comforted by the glow of its idiot box. Such a device is neccissary when one is experiencing such wakefulness at this ungodly hour. One is quite likely to forget the world exsists without the company of technologies, yes without these wonderus devices pure insanity would be errupting from the one who has been raped of sleep.
Yes sleep isn't happening tonight, neither is anything slightly productive. I added to a picture I was drawing and attempted learing a couple new songs on the guitar which resulted in failure.
I have been treading upon familiar trip wires as of about a month ago and have finally fallen flat on my face. However does one stop these self fueled rampages when doing anything but ones instinct ends in complete and utter misery? To my knowledge there is NO loophole. Make everyone miserable because of these behaviors, or satisfy loved ones and run back and forth in your head screaming? My therapist says I should worry about myself first and others later...but I dont think this is what she ment.

(I don't know if anyone has ever experienced the following but I think it's what people mean by "getting high on life". Its new to me so if you think it's lame eat a horse fetus. sometimes one has emotions and feels the need to express them because there a fucking human. so Im not as HARDCORE as you are. Fucking shoot me then.)

Last night when Sam and I were getting a ride from my father, something felt a little different. The windows were rolled down and there was a warm breeze blowing across my face. I looked up at the sky and for the first time in a while, noticed the stars sober. I took a deep breath in and released it. For a few split seconds this feeling hit me in the face which I can only compare to the euphoria of MDMA (though it was completely different at the same time). I forgot everything that was right or wrong in my life and for that small time frame, experienced nothingness. Normally I would ignore this and think it was just a flashback from some chemical I had done, but Im 100% sure that wasn't the case. Usually it is the little things that keep you sane (or at least alive).

June, 19, 2005
I hadn't even realized how long it has been since I have updated so let me fill all of you sports fans in on what has happened in my abscence. I finally have gotten off of meth, It wasn't easy at all, but I did it.
I am also recording my first cd soon. It should be done close to the end of the summer.
I really don't know what else to say... You would think that one would have piles upon piles of information to rant about after 6 months of life but there isnt much.
Accept for the fact that I ran away and lived in a party house for 3 consecutive days where I ate nothing but mac and cheese and mr. noodles, drank more beer than I ever thought possible, slept with the biggest asshole I have ever met, did alot of acid, ran away to sooke where I almost got killed by a crazy lady, slept by the side of the road because I didnt know how to set up a tent, lost my electric guitar, came home and got bitched at, asked one of my best friends out, got a mohawk, found out I was going to sounds of the underground in vancover on july 26th, and took a few peoples virginity...
I also failed this year of school (big suprise).

February, 2, 2005
So, I am back from wherever the fuck I have been. I'm not all clear on what I have been up to lately for I don't remember half of it, if you could clarify this for me please do, and if not then return to whatever it is you were doing.
I haven't been myself the past while, at least I think I haven't. The line between who I am and who I want to be has been blurred beyond recognition thus making it hard for me to determine exactly what it is I am trying to do here. Right about now I'd like to just dissapear off of the face of the planet so I wouldnt have to fix any of the half ass mistakes I've made but apparently that isnt possible without being all pussy about it and fucking killing myself or some stupid shit like that. No offence to anyone who has actually killed themselves (suicide is no laughing matter). Although it would be pretty weak one would have to agree that suicide is both the weakest and strongest attempt someone can make to repair what seems beyond repair. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am tired of reading my journal and seeing shit like this every single day.

I didn't sleep again, i'm too fucked up to sleep. I've smoked all 2.5 points to myself and feel as if I am on the verge of death. Sober what the fuck is sober. I don't remember what it is. Whats the definition. Is there even a definition... My face hurts, my arms are itchy. I want to die...

so you wanna know what hell is like. Try doing what I'm doing now. Try sleeping in a fucking staircase, try talking to one of your best friends in the whole entire world while secretly thinking about slitting their throat taking their money and running for it... Theres hell ladys and fucking gentlemen. Still people have it worse than me... I know they do. I probably shouldn't even be bitching right now but FUCK YOU! this is my fucking site and I'll type whatever the fucking hell I want to.
If you want to know what embarrasing is... Try waiting 3 hours in an emergency birth control clinic with some asshole you met two days ago and a hooker with AIDS. Try filling out one of those special little forms and trying to remember when your last fucking period was when all you can think about is how the hooker with AIDS is staring you down. Try debating on whether or not to leave a fake phone number so they don't call your house and leave a message on your fathers answering machine. THATS FUCKING EMBARRASING! NOT ONLY EMBARRASING ITS FUCKING DEGRATING!!!!!!! THOSE WOMEN WHO WORK IN THOSE CLINICS LOOK AT YOU LIKE YOUR AND ABSOULUTE WHORE! MAYBE YOU ARE MAYBE YOU ARN'T THEY DON'T  CARE THEY JUST MAKE THEIR SNAP JUDGEMENTS AND HAND YOU YOUR LITTLE WHITE PILLS SO YOU DONT GET PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!
I shouldnt be bitching... but I am and if you don't like it leave!

realize. real lies. real eyes
these eyes tell many lies...

All material copyright 2004